Influencer program


Earn money with us if you have a profile with real followers, you don’t buy likes and have a minimum of relevant followers.

On one of the following platforms:

  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Facebook

Register in our database with our contact page.

What do we offer influencers?

  • Attractive remuneration: We offer compensation commensurate with the quality and scope of your account.
  • Legal compliance: We sign contracts for every campaign.
    We pay Canadian taxes on your behalf.
  • Access to campaigns: We connect influencers with the brand.
    Registering in our database costs you nothing and gives you the opportunity to work with us.

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How do we become our own influencer?

  • QUALITY: We don’t care about the highest reach and a large number of likes under your profile posts, we care that your audience is real!
  • NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: The minimum number of followers is 7,000 on Instagram.
    We’ll check your follower structure and are happy to work with you if your audience is made up of real people, not bots.
  • BUSINESS ACCOUNT: You can easily turn your personal account into a company account in the application settings, for example into a “personal blog”.
    This will give us access to your followers’ statistics and demographics, and we’d like to know as much as possible about them.

The influencer’s job

An influencer, sometimes referred to as an “influential user”, is a web user who can influence the online behavior of other users using the content they create, their links and the size of their audience.
These users are often used in marketing campaigns, as they are able to convey commercial messages to their community in a natural and reliable way.
This mainly concerns social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest and media such as YouTube.

Several characteristics are taken into account to determine whether such a user can have a significant impact on others:

it has a large community of people who view its content, the community is located in a specific environment (for example, TikTok or YouTube) it is important that the person selected is influential, for example, within a social network, online or offline within his or her community, is well-informed on a particular topic than a blogger who writes about hair care is probably better placed in this field than his or her community, but less well placed than a dermatologist specializing in alopecia androgenetic, not everyone has the gift of credibility and the ability to influence other people’s decisions.

In marketing, to influence sales and the behavior of others, it’s important to consider the possibility that an influencer can lead others through his or her actions.

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How much does an influencer earn?

Influencer incomes are perhaps the most diverse of all professions and trades.
It’s impossible to talk about average salaries here, as they are influenced by many factors.
The way in which influencers derive financial benefit from their title is also highly diverse, and cannot be standardized or compared.

How to become an influencer

Whether in marketing, media such as news and journalism, or social media, the role of influencers is increasingly important.
When it comes to influencers.

There are often other terms used to describe similar types of people:

Specialist: a person who disseminates information to others.
They may or may not be associated with a particular brand.
Most often, it’s someone very close to the source – for example, someone who encourages the use of Dyson hair dryers.

Opinion leader: a person who has the influence to shape public opinion.
This term is often misunderstood, but in its definition it is closest to the group described above.
More often than not, this is someone who knows the subject very well, and who may also be a professional in the field.
If that’s the case, then she remains rather independent.
A trendsetter.
This person has a knack for discovering new and interesting things and passing them on to others.
In this form, she can collaborate with brands.

These days, analyzing the most influential personalities in a specific segment of users is a very important part of marketing communications or media coverage.
It’s not just on the Internet that there are various lists of people who influence other users, whether through social networks, blogs or other platforms.
Influencers’ main activity is, of course, to influence the people, fans and others who follow their communication, behavior and performance.

Whether it’s a person who is visible to others thanks to social media, or the general public who knows about their influence thanks to mass media.
Each person who plays the role of influencer has a base of followers who identify with their attitudes or thoughts, or who are stimulated solely by the influential personality.
Often, the influence this person exerts on them does not stem from rational convictions, but from sympathy and personal feelings.

Whatever the reasons for influencing others, it’s a fact that involves certain aspects of evaluation and measurement.
According to these criteria, influential people can be judged as significant, or vice versa for those with limited influence.

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Influencing requirements

An influencer is a person who influences a significant number of people.
In practice, they are people who are followed by a significant number of people.
They don’t necessarily have to be influencers with millions of fans, who are followed by fewer people, but are important in their field.
Anyone can become an influencer, as long as they’re an expert on the subject and their opinion is interesting to others.
Influencer marketing is currently a major trend in online marketing.
These are activities that involve important personalities in the field.
In practice, the most common is cooperation between online stores and, for example, with youtubers, instagrammers and other personalities who are popular in their field and have a large audience.

Influencers aren’t just celebrities with hundreds of thousands of fans.
Influencers don’t even have to be YouTube or Instagram influencers.
For a company, an influencer can be anyone who can help it reach the right target audience.
For example, some companies collaborate with local fashion designers, collaborations are most often done in such a way that companies pay influencers a predetermined amount of money for specific activities in which they showcase the company’s products or brand.
Commercial collaborations are also common.

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Working as an influencer can seem like a dream!

Anyone who feels strong in a particular field and has built up a sizeable fan base can try their hand at being an influencer.
Building your own brand is crucial in this profession.
Influencers need to be active online and publish content.
People like to listen to experts’ opinions, other people’s experiences and see how others react before using a service or buying goods.

Today’s influencers are also good social media analysts.
Every one of them knows that the number of likes on Instagram has to match, otherwise companies won’t be as eager to cooperate.
However, in an age when “likes” can be bought for a dozen dollars, the influencer business is doing extremely well.
Thanks to the work of an influencer, we can check whether the product is right for us or not.
If you want to try your hand at this sector, start with an area that is close to you and that you know well.
The recipients of influencer content are the followers who are looking for interesting information.

Therefore, each message must be interesting, offer a new perspective on the subject, be interesting through an unusual approach or catch the recipient’s attention in such a way as to make them want to visit your profile more often.

Get followers as an influencer

Remember that a satisfied follower is likely to recommend your profile to their friends, and if they’re also interested in what you’re posting, your audience will grow.
If you manage to build up a large audience, there’s a good chance that companies in the sector you feel comfortable in will be interested in you and your profile.

This usually happens when someone active on YouTube becomes recognizable.
That’s when your career takes off.
If companies become interested in working with you, you’ll have the opportunity to describe and promote their products on your profile – for a fee, of course.
In the beginning, these aren’t usually offers that will earn you a lot of money, but the experience is very important.

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First sources of income as influencers

As you gain popularity and experience working with companies, it’s more likely that offers of cooperation will become more serious and profitable.
Rates in this sector depend on the reach, or number of followers, mentioned above.
Promoting products in cooperation with a company in the sector means presenting them correctly.
Posts that are too insistent and boring can discourage followers.
Promoting a product can take many forms, such as publishing photos of the product, posting reviews, recording an “unboxing” or a product promotion video.

Tips to help you become an influencer?

  • Here’s a suggestion of a few steps you can take to become an influencer on Instagram:

At the very beginning of this adventure, it’s useful to reflect and identify your strengths.
Ideally, it should be something you feel really good at and can say a lot about.
Once you’ve found something you’re really good at, think about a strategy.
Plan what you’re going to create and how you’re going to do it.
Ideally, draw up a plan for the whole year and define what you want to include in each post.
However, remember that your plan may change as you go along.

If you’ve completed the above points, you’re ready to take action.
Do it boldly and without running away, because it’s easy to give up on your projects if you put things off.
It’s really not worth it.
Don’t rest on your laurels and always keep up a good pace.
If you see your first big successes, don’t give up.
Develop, publish content and try to interest as many people as possible.

Visit forums and social networking groups on subjects that interest you.
This will enable you to expand your group of followers.
In the Internet age, forums and groups on social networks cover every possible topic.
This way, you can advertise your profile in a non-intrusive way and gain new fans.
Be honest and simply human.
Followers don’t like lies and arrogant product promotion.

Content recipients on Instagram are simply looking for someone to give advice and honestly say what they think about a product.
Of course, if you’re working with a company, you should act on their behalf, but do it in a natural way, as if you were advising someone close to you.

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How much can you earn as an influencer?

As far as an influencer’s earnings are concerned, they vary and depend on the terms of the collaboration with the company and the influencer’s reach.
A person working in this profession, if already recognizable, can certainly count on income that exceeds the expenses of an average person.
For example, for a photo, you can get between $20 and $15,000; for a video, it can be as much as $50,000.

However, these are the amounts that famous influencers with millions of followers can count on.
In the list of the most popular, for example, we find Kylie Jenner, who receives $1,000,000 for publishing a post.

The ideal influencer must possess certain qualities that are very important in this type of work:

  • Creativity to create interesting and useful content
  • Confidence to make people want to stay with you longer
  • Sector-specific knowledge for greater credibility
  • Authenticity to demonstrate to your audience that what you say is sincere and true
  • Is it worth being an influencer?

Building your brand as an influencer is a process that takes more than a few days.
So you need to be patient and persistent in the pursuit of your goals.
There will be setbacks and setbacks along the way, but that’s the way it is in any profession or on the road to realizing your dreams.
Don’t be discouraged by setbacks, look for new opportunities and ways to develop, and you’ll increase your chances of becoming an influencer.