Jade Roller: Use and benefits for the face

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Jade Roller: Use and benefits for the face
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A facial roller is used to massage the skin.
It may seem trivial, but this treatment can bring many beauty benefits, as the elite of ancient China already knew.
Back then, a facial massager was considered a luxury item and not everyone could afford one.

Today, you can choose from several types of roller, the most popular being the jade roller and the quartz roller.
What are the differences?
How do you perform a massage correctly?
Here are the answers to all your questions!

Facial rollers are enjoying a renaissance.
From time to time, reviews of new facial massagers pop up on Instagram, especially since there’s so much to choose from.
We have jade, quartz and even amethyst rollers.
They appeal not only for their curvaceous, feminine look, but above all for their material – they’re made from 100% natural, hand-cut mountain stones in gorgeous colors.
What’s the difference between them?
How do I use them? And above all, do they really work?

Jade roller face roller canada

What is a Roller Face

The origins of the beauty roller, or face roller, date back to ancient China.
This tool was used to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.
Back then, it was made of jade, a highly sought-after gemstone known as “the stone of heaven”, which was not only beautiful, but also useful.
In ancient times, the Mayans and Egyptians used jade’s naturally cold properties to tense muscles during massages.
Jade was believed to be a bridge between this world and the next.

A roller, also known as a jade roller, is used to massage the face.
This treatment has a relaxing, nurturing effect, notably increasing blood circulation, which makes the skin firmer, smoother and more evenly colored.

A good roller is made of real precious or semi-precious stones.
Pay attention to the design of the roller, as some have two sides, the larger side being used to massage large areas of the face such as the forehead, cheeks, jaw, and the smaller roller to massage the temples and eye area.
Fluff’s double-sided jade face massager, in light green, is one example.

What are facial rollers for?

Facial rollers have a wide range of effects not only on the skin, but also on our well-being.
Massage is a simple procedure that can bring many benefits to the skin, in addition to reducing stress and relieving tension.

Rouleau pour le visage Effets jade roller

How the jade roller works

The effects of a facial roller:

  • Improves blood circulation in the face, resulting in firmer skin
  • Reduces puffiness, dark circles and swelling, mainly thanks to the freshness of stone
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, as massage has a relaxing effect on muscles
  • Soothes the skin when the stone is cooled, which is why, for example, it is recommended to keep a jade roll in the refrigerator.
  • It helps relieve sinus pain, as some studies have shown

When you use the rollers with oil or lotion, the active ingredients, once massaged in, penetrate deeper into the skin.
It’s worth remembering, however, that the promise of reduced wrinkles and baby-smooth skin is just a marketing gimmick.
One thing’s for sure having a roll of jade or quartz at hand will improve the appearance of your skin, reducing bags under the eyes, eliminating puffiness after a long, intense night, stimulating blood circulation and speeding up tissue metabolism.
And besides, is there anything more pleasant than a massage?
Of course, it’s also worth investing in a manual drainage massage from time to time.
To activate your facial muscles, increase skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Some myths about Face Roller

At this point, it’s worth mentioning a few myths that have developed around facial massagers.
One of them is the belief that a facial massage roller will slim down the face unfortunately, this is not true.
The only solution is to diet and lose weight all over your body, but the way the roller works by massaging and helping to draw out fluids can temporarily make your face look slimmer.

Apparently, the roller can help temporarily reshape the contour of your face, provided you do it correctly, roll at an angle and press the roller behind your ears to direct excess fluid to your lymph nodes.
What’s more, the massager helps get rid of toxins, as it stimulates lymphatic drainage, increases blood flow and improves circulation.

rouleau de jade Outil anti ride

Roller types

This little facial massage gadget is most often made of green jade or rose quartz.
In addition, there are rollers in amethyst, violet, obsidian and green jade.obsidian andaventurinewhich are mistaken for jade because of their green color.
Less popular are massagers made from stones such as rainbow fluorite in violet, green and grey or black obsidian.

The maintenance properties of pebbles are the same, whatever the type of stone. They work in the same way as a massage, gently working facial tissues, relaxing muscles and releasing accumulated toxins.
As a result, the skin becomes tauter and brighter, with a more even tone, and puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are visibly reduced or even eliminated.

Quel rouleau de massage facial choisir

Differences between quartz and jade rollers

You’ll notice the first difference for yourself, as it concerns color.
However, the most important thing is what they’re wearing, because in Chinese culture, each of these stones has a different function and brings different benefits to body and mind.
So it’s impossible to say whether one of these scrolls is better or worse – it all depends on your needs.

Jade is a naturally cool stone and, as we all know, the use of cooling rollers can increase the effectiveness of treatments, as you’ve probably seen for yourself using rollers with a ball or ice under the eyes.

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The jade roller has been used for facial massage for centuries in Eastern cultures. It comes mainly in green colors, the most impressive of which is emerald jadeBut light green jade is also available, as well as white-pink, brown, black and yellow.
The Chinese believe that this stone evacuates negative energy and helps the body regain its inner balance.
It also strengthens the body, protects against fatigue and prolongs life.
Roller jade is particularly recommended in cases of kidney or liver disease.

Jade is a strong strong amulet and should be chosen by people whose signs are Libra, Leo, Taurus, Virgo and Pisces.
As an incentive, jade is considered a stone that attracts wealth.

rouleae quartz et rouleau de jade

Quartz roller

Quartz is used in Chinese culture for emotional problems and pain.
It helps combat headaches, joint and muscle pain.
It can also help combat stress and insomnia.
Quartz is also said to relieve ailments related to the heart and circulatory system, and to promote fertility. According to legend, quartz was created by Adonis and Aphrodite, whose drops of blood fell on the stone and colored it bright pink.
It is therefore believed that this stone gives off vibrations of love and a great sense of joy.

Rose quartz rollers, as opposed to jade, are heavier and retain cold longer.
Quartz as a mineral is associated with the zodiac signs Taurus, Libra and Capricorn.
Amethyst is called the stone of harmony and relaxation, helping to focus and calm, which is why it is recommended in cases of stress and problems falling asleep.
This stone alleviates migraines, helps get rid of mental trauma and relieves the symptoms of nervous disorders.

Due to the stone’s calming effect, amethyst scrolls are thought to be particularly effective for vascular skin care.
Amethyst is ideal for Aries, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces.

Which facial roller to choose?

Each stone has virtually the same effect on the skin, and the question of choice is more one of aesthetics and spirituality. It’s also important to note that a quartz scroll retains its freshness better than a jade scroll, which means it can cope better with swelling.
So, whether you believe in the power of the subconscious and the energy of objects, or are a staunch defender of the earth, quartz, jade and amethyst will benefit the condition of your skin.

Facial massagers come in different designs.
Some have two rollers on each side, with one smaller and one larger, or two larger ones; there are also models with a single roller or ball to massage the sensitive skin around the eyes.
Some have a smooth-surfaced roller, while others have special pimples that can further reduce swelling and enhance the massage effect.
There are also massagers with additional functions such as cooling or vibration.
And it’s the design that should be taken into account when choosing a roller.

Jade rollers face roller

How to get a massage

The use of a facial roller is only effective if a few basic rules are observed and the face is massaged regularly.
It’s best to massage with a roller once a day for at least 5 minutes, in different directions, i.e. from bottom to top, from inside to outside anti-gravity.
The movements should be repeated 5 to 10 times for each part of the face.
Adapt the intensity of the massage to your preferences, bearing in mind that a facial massage should above all be pleasant, and as soon as you feel any pain, stop the massage.

Clean your face thoroughly before massage.
Apply a cream, oil or serum to your face to ensure glide, although the face roller can be used dry, without which the Jade roller can do more harm than good, as it can pull on the skin.

A quick guide to rolling your face:

Start massaging from the neck, as this will open up the lymphatic drainage channel.
Don’t move back and forth, but slide the roller in one direction only.

  • Then roll the jaw roller in a line from the jaw to the ear and from the jaw to the cheekbone.
  • When massaging the cheeks, roll the roller up and down to the ear, i.e. from the nose to the ears.
  • To massage the forehead, the roller should be positioned at the junction of the two eyebrows, followed by a movement towards the hairline.
  • To eliminate toxins, sweep along the sides of the jaw to the base of the neck, pushing them towards the lymph nodes behind the ears.
  • To accentuate cheekbones, massage from jawline to cheekbone.

You’ll get the best results by cooling the roller first.
What’s more, the cooled stone has a much better effect on the skin, soothing irritation, reducing swelling and closing pores.
As a result, the skin looks more rested and relaxed.
A facial roller can also help relieve headaches.
Instead of a standard temple massage, you can use a cooled massager.

Front roller

Facial rollers are undoubtedly one of the oldest facial care accessories.
The reason for their use today is not so much fashion, but the effects of facial massage.
These include a marked improvement in the appearance of the skin, which becomes better nourished and tauter.
Followers of Asian massagers point out that regular use at home can bring more benefits than a simple massage with the hands, or even professional treatments in a beauty salon.

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If you’re wondering which pebble to choose, keep in mind that each stone has virtually the same healing effects, the difference being more in the construction and energetic/spiritual issues.
As a general rule, massagers remove toxins from the skin, smooth wrinkles and relieve tension.

boutique Jade rollers face roller

Face massage: Instagram

The world of influencers has gone crazy for this accessory, with almost every instagram photo at some point showing a composition of different crazy face massage rollers, in a classic design whose styling wouldn’t put the most luxurious dressing table to shame.
However, this isn’t just a beautiful object to show off in a YouTube tutorial, but above all a tool famous for its natural skincare properties.

You’ll find many, many variations of the stone face roller in pharmacies.
It’s hard to make up your mind, as they all delight with their appearance and tempt with their iridescent colors.
Among the most popular are those made of jade and rose quartz.

Jade Roller

The name comes from the Spanish words piedra de hijada renal calculus.
The last part of the Spanish name gave rise to the name jad żad.
Jade is a precious stone and its value depends on its texture and transparency.
The price of the highest quality material can range from $20,000 to $3 million.
So it’s not without reason that a Chinese proverb says that gold is expensive, but jade is priceless.

Face roller: Effects

One of the first differences you’ll notice is the disappearance of bags under the eyes.
The effects of regular use of the facial roller reduce the visibility of pores and gradually smooth out wrinkles.
Thanks to the massage movements, the product improves the absorption of skin care cosmetics, whose ingredients penetrate better and act more effectively.
The facial roller also produces less visible effects, with more relaxed skin, loosened muscles and a pleasant sensation of smoother skin.

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