Does Minoxidil have side effects?

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Does Minoxidil have side effects?
Stop losing your hair!
Stop losing your hair!

If you have problems with hair loss, you’ve probably already tried a large number of products or proven methods that were supposed to help. Minoxidil is a molecule whose function is to dilate constricted blood vessels. It improves blood flow and has many positive effects, which is why it is used in the treatment and prevention of baldness in both men and women! Minoxidil is dissolved in glycol, ensuring complete distribution of the product to the desired area of the head.

Absorption through the skin is effortless, and the element reaches exactly where we want it to. Minoxidil has become the most recognized ingredient in the fight against hair loss. It was discovered quite by chance during a trial of another drug, when it was observed that patients were stopping hair loss, strengthening their hair and regrowing it.

Minoxidil was discovered by chance during the development of the hypertension drug Loniten. A side effect of Loniten was the growth of hair and body hair. As a result, minoxidil was gradually developed into products designed to promote hair growth. For the treatment of hair loss, minoxidil is used as a 2% (for women) and 5% (for men) concentrate dissolved in propylene glycol.

The purpose of propylene glycol is to improve absorption of the substance deep into the skin and, at the same time, ensure more uniform application of minoxidil to the treated areas. Although there are various generic forms of the drug on the market with higher concentrations of minoxidil 10%, 16%, they are not as effective. This is because the skin is unable to absorb a concentration of the substance greater than 5%. For best absorption, we recommend using a quality dermaroller with micro-needles before application.

minoxidil effets secondaires afro

How does minoxidil work?

Minoxidil applied to the scalp induces an early anagen phase. In this way, hair follicles prematurely go through the rest of the growth cycle, then start growing again. This is why, after minoxidil application, some people’s hair starts to fall out significantly for the first time. As hair follicles go through the growth process and enter anagen, old hair can start to fall out in large quantities. So it really does look like you’re losing a lot more hair than usual.

Minoxidil concentration

The drug is available in two concentrations, 2% and 5%. Minoxidil 2% is for women, minoxidil 5% for men. You can obtain it in liquid or foam form. From a treatment point of view, you’ll get the same results using a solution or a foam, as long as both products contain the same amount of minoxidil. The main difference between these preparations lies in the way the correct dose is measured and the method of application.

The advantage of liquid formulation is that it’s easier to measure a perfectly accurate dose, as foam application requires evaluation by eye. It can also be crucial to know whether it’s more advantageous to use an applicator or your fingers when applying. Minoxidil is a vasodilator that dilates constricted blood vessels in the body. In tablet form, it is used to treat high blood pressure. In cutaneous solution form, it is used to treat hair loss in men and women. Minoxidil was originally developed in 1988 by UpJohn Corporation as a treatment for hypertension. However, in clinical trials, researchers found that minoxidil had interesting side effects on hair growth when applied to the scalp.

Le Minoxidil a des effets secondaires

Minoxidil 2% or minoxidil 5%?

Initial studies were carried out on the top of the head, giving the false impression that the product was only effective on this area. Although minoxidil is most effective on the top of the head, it also works, to a lesser extent, on other areas. For example, on the front of the head, provided there are at least miniaturized fine hairs there. It won’t work if this area is completely bald.

The greatest benefit is seen when the drug is taken for five months to two years, after which efficacy gradually diminishes. People taking minoxidil for longer periods will still lose their hair, but the process will be slightly slower. Minoxidil should be applied to the scalp once or twice a day. The treatment only works when in direct contact with the skin, not the hair. At the same time, it only works in the areas where it is applied. It is therefore important to apply the medication to the front part of the scalp if this is an area of thinning hair growth.

Minoxidil 5% is more effective than the 2% solution, but it contains propylene glycol, an ingredient that irritates the scalp and can give the appearance of sticky, hard-to-hold hair. If this should be a problem, consider using the 5% solution at night and the 2% solution in the morning – there’s alcohol in the base, so the solution is less sticky.

Also read: Alopecia: symptoms, causes and treatment

Treatment of alopecia with minoxidil

Minoxidil dissolved in propylene glycol is used to treat hair loss. Propylene glycol ensures that Minoxidil is distributed evenly over the treated area during application, and is easily absorbed by the skin. In men suffering from hereditary hair loss, hair follicles shrink and hair becomes thinner and more brittle. This sometimes occurs after puberty, and is linked to androgens, the male sex hormones. Consequently, this type of hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia. Hair becomes thin and the hair on the scalp becomes thinner.

Although minoxidil is less effective in treating general male pattern baldness than in treating baldness, it is the most commonly used ingredient in topical hair growth products. In some men, using the drug in solution or foam form can stop hair loss. It can even stimulate new hair growth. It’s important for men to start therapy as soon as their hair starts to fall out. And then they continue it to maintain the results.

minoxidil resultat au bout de combien de temps

Disadvantages of minoxidil for men

Taking minoxidil has its drawbacks:

This can be costly. Treatment with minoxidil is a long-term affair, with the first effects appearing after three to four months at the earliest. Once the treatment is stopped, its benefits disappear. It can be complicated. For some men, applying the product to the scalp can be a challenge. The solution needs to be applied twice a day; for some, once a day is enough.

Minoxidil doesn’t work for everyone. Minoxidil is most effective in young men whose hair has just started to fall out. Those who are already bald won’t get new hair with minoxidil. For some people, it will be possible to promote new hair growth, but for others, minoxidil will only inhibit hair loss. In some cases, the product won’t work at all.

See also: Finasteride side effects in women and men

If you stop treatment, hair loss will continue and your hair will start to thin again. Minoxidil is sometimes prescribed with other drugs for androgenetic alopecia. This is Finasteride. However, men should choose only one product and try to use it for at least a year before adding another product. If you try both at the same time, you won’t know which one worked.

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Treatment for women

Minoxidil appears to be more effective in women with diffuse androgenetic alopecia than in men. Women are advised to use 2% instead of 5%. However, studies have shown that patients who took 5% minoxidil for eight months experienced greater hair growth, up to 45%. It effectively treats hair loss on the forehead, known as baldness, as a treatment for alopecia. Minoxidil, which is also applied topically to the scalp in women, works for hair loss only if it’s hereditary hair loss in women and not another cause of hair loss.

Can minoxidil cause hair loss?

Under normal conditions, hair grows at a rate of about one centimeter per month. If you suffer from hereditary female hair loss, hair follicles become smaller over time. The smaller they are, the shorter the hair grows. If entire strands of your hair fall out, they won’t be replaced by new, normal hair. New hair is softer and more fragile.

How do I replace minoxidil?

Doctors believe that aging, genetics and changes in male hormone levels (androgens) contribute to female hair loss. Female pattern hair loss is therefore also known as androgenetic alopecia. For women, minoxidil 2% is recommended; men can also use a concentration of 5% in liquid form.

Disadvantages of minoxidil for women

When using minoxidil for hair loss, be prepared for a few drawbacks. When using minoxidil, think of it as a drug that’s not recommended to be stopped. When you stop treatment, the effects disappear and hair starts to fall out again. This can be uncomfortable.

This can lead to undesirable hair growth. Some women may notice an increase in facial hair when taking minoxidil. This occurs when the drug runs down the face, or simply as a side effect of application to the scalp. The risk is lower if a 2% concentration of the drug is used.

Increased hair loss may occur right from the start. During the first two to four weeks of minoxidil use, you may notice that hair loss is more severe. This is because old hair is replaced by new hair. Visible results may take months to appear. Even so, only one in five women experience a little hair regrowth. Most women report only a slowing or halting of hair loss.

minoxidil effets secondaire

Side effects of minoxidil

After topical application, a certain amount of minoxidil is absorbed by the skin and passes into the bloodstream.

However, the product can have various side effects if used for long periods:

  • Pinching and eye irritation
  • Irritation and itching of the skin at the application site
  • Allergic reactions and pimples
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Swelling of the mouth
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Further loss of hair growth

The most common side effects of minoxidil are itching and skin irritation or dandruff. This is due to the presence of propylene glycol, which can irritate the skin. This is one of the reasons why patients with sensitive skin are often unable to continue continuous treatment with minoxidil. Occasionally, unwanted hair growth may occur on skin in the immediate vicinity of the treated area, or in areas where the drug accidentally penetrates several times during application. Minoxidil has also been shown to be highly toxic to cats, and very dangerous even in the event of light skin contact.

Be careful before using minoxidil

Certain drugs should not be used in combination with minoxidil.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have any health problems, particularly if you have any of the following:

  • For women during pregnancy
  • If you are planning to become pregnant or are breast-feeding
  • If you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicines, herbal preparations or dietary supplements
  • If you are allergic to any medication, food or other substance
  • If you have heart or blood pressure problems

minoxidil effets secondaires homme

How long does minoxidil take to work?

The effect of minoxidil appears after about 8 weeks of treatment and is maximal after 4 months. It disappears from the body after about 1 to 2 weeks. In other words, although minoxidil starts to work immediately, results are not noticeable for the first three to six months. The final result is seen after about a year’s continuous use of minoxidil.

Does a higher concentration guarantee a better effect?

The most commonly used concentrations of minoxidil are 2% and 5%. At the same time, a minoxidil concentration of 5% is more effective than a concentration of 2%, as more minoxidil is simply absorbed through the skin. At a concentration of 5% minoxidil in alcoholic solution, the active substance has reached its maximum possible absorption. It is therefore not necessary to use the higher concentrations of minoxidil contained in the alcoholic solution.

Dandruff or greasy patches on the head after using minoxidil

Minoxidil is generally distributed as a solution containing minoxidil (concentration 2% or 5% or more), alcohol and propylene glycol. The ratio of alcohol to propylene glycol is important. If the solution contains a high percentage of alcohol, which dries out the skin, dandruff is likely to form over time. On the other hand, if the solution contains a high percentage of propylene glycol, minoxidil will dry more slowly on the head after application. The oily layer will remain on the head longer. Propylene glycol also causes skin irritation and itching.

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