Avocado oil for hair

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Avocado oil for hair
Stop losing your hair!
Stop losing your hair!

Avocado oil is safe for use in hair care products.
Products containing avocado oil have not caused skin irritation or sensitization.
The widespread use of avocado as a food confirms the safety of this ingredient.
Experts have concluded that avocado oil can be used safely as a cosmetic ingredient.

Since 1934, avocado oil has been pressed on an industrial scale.
There are currently several methods for obtaining avocado oil.
One method, which uses refining processes, involves pressing the fruit at high temperature using presses.
The oil is extracted from the pressed avocado fruit using organic solvents.

Avocado oil is also extracted using a non-refining method.
The crushed flesh is then kneaded at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius.
To separate the oil in this method, a centrifuge is used to collect it in the lower part of the machine.
As we know, refining deprives the oil of its valuable health properties.
It should be remembered, however, that unrefined avocado oil is not suitable for use at high temperatures.

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Properties of avocado oil

In addition to its gustatory properties, avocado oil also has positive effects on our health.
It is characterized by the following properties:

  • Supports the immune system
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • Supports the heart and circulatory system
  • Stabilizes nervous system function

Avocado oil is rich in vitamins B, E, A, H, K, PP and valuable minerals such as squalene, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and potassium.
The vitamins and minerals contained in the oil slow down the aging process, care for the hair, prevent cancer and improve the appearance of the skin.
Most of the fatty acids contained in the fruit are omega-9 monounsaturated oleic acids, the same ones that have made olive oil famous and are used worldwide.
Here, however, it is present in greater quantities.
The properties of this unusual compound have been the subject of numerous studies, which have shown that it accelerates cell regeneration, reduces inflammation, fights bacterial infections, prevents certain autoimmune diseases and even reduces the risk of certain types of cancer.

Retains its beneficial properties

Oleic acid is also highly resistant to oxidation, which means it doesn’t go rancid as quickly as other products of this type, so it can be stored for a long time.
It should be noted that during cooking or frying, it retains most of its beneficial properties.

Thanks to its thick consistency, the oil is extremely satiating, which is why it helps to control appetite, with the feeling of fullness appearing more quickly and lasting longer.
It also boosts our energy reserves, thanks to high levels of magnesium, which eliminates fatigue and reduces symptoms of stress, as well as iron, which ensures good oxygenation of the body, and copper, which supports the nervous system.

Avocado oil can smooth your skin

In cosmetics, avocado oil is ideal for hair and skin care.
Using avocado oil can smooth the skin, protect it from inflammation and even reduce the symptoms of excessive tanning.
Avocado oil can also be used to combat acne.

huile avocat

Avocado oil is recommended for brittle, falling hair.
Oiling your hair with avocado oil will accelerate growth, strengthen and smooth hair, and reduce hair loss.
It’s also a natural way to preserve hair color. Avocado oil is used in the production of lotions, conditioners, soaps, shampoos and masks.

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