Biotin and (its drawbacks)

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Biotin and (its drawbacks)
Stop losing your hair!
Stop losing your hair!

Biotin, or vitamin B7, reigns supreme in advertising.
It’s supposed to be a miracle cure that will give us strong hair and nails.
On the other hand, there are indications that it can disrupt thyroid function.
How much of this is true?

When should I suspect a problem?
Should I take biotin supplements?
It’s perfectly normal for your hair to fall out every day!
Not so long ago, horsetail-based preparations were supposed to be a miracle cure for hair problems.
Now it’s said that our beauty is enhanced by biotin.
Is it worth it?

If a person takes a product containing horsetail extract, they are often unknowingly taking a high dose of biotin.
Some supplements, not just those designed to strengthen hair and nails, contain biotin, i.e. vitamin B7, also known as vitamin H.

Chez quelles personnes le risque de carence en vitamine H est il accru

How much biotin do I need a day?

It’s worth bearing this in mind, because despite the different names, it’s always the same substance.
Generally in high doses.
The human body needs a relatively small amount: 30-35 micrograms per day, and doses in multi-ingredient supplements vary from 25 to 300 micrograms.
Those associated with biotin do not exceed 5,000 or even 10,000 micrograms.

Some manufacturers indicate biotin content in milligrams, and many people have difficulty converting the units and think the content is low, whereas 5 mg corresponds to 5000 micrograms.

What is biotin’s role?

Our body reacts very well to an excess of vitamin B7, eliminating it through urine.
Of course, it’s reasonable to ask why we need this intake, as it won’t improve our beauty.

However, this applies to healthy people whose kidneys and other organs are functioning properly.
It should be remembered that in the event of health problems , over-the-counter use always requires consultation with a doctor or pharmacist, if only because of interactions with other medications.

Thyroid disease is a common but often overlooked health problem, and vitamin B7 is thought to further disrupt the gland’s function.
How much truth is there in this?
Biotin does not damage the thyroid gland, but it can interfere with hormone test results, falsely suggesting hyperthyroidism.
Biotin taken in high doses reduces TSH results and overestimates peripheral hormones FT4, FT3.

Also read: tips for hair loss after childbirth

This can mislead the doctor and lead to poor treatment decisions.
The question is important insofar as hair loss can be a symptom of a thyroid problem and, in the search for the cause, tests along these lines are frequently carried out.

This is one of the many reasons why we should inform our doctor, at every visit, of all the medicines, supplements and herbs we take.

biotine danger sante b7 Proprietes de la biotine

Does biotin really have an effect on hair and nail problems?

Yes, especially in women, although there are a few things to consider.
Excessive hair loss” can be a subjective assessment.
It’s hard to count this hair, the easiest way to estimate the amount, is to roll it into a ball, this should represent a small portion of what we have on our head.

Hair sometimes falls out due to scalp diseases, and we rarely look at this skin.
If this happens, consider not only changing your shampoo, but also consulting a dermatologist or trichologist.
Another cause can be anemia, common in women with heavy periods and stress.
Stress also leads to hair loss.

Does biotin make hair grow?

Hair loss is common after pregnancy, and is a temporary and completely natural condition, although thyroid problems can occasionally occur during this period.
If the problem persists, a visit to the doctor should be considered.

As for biotin itself, it’s quite commonly found in the diet and, in the event we eat properly, it’s rather difficult to suffer from deficiencies.
However, they are typical in women who, for example, are dieting to lose weight.

Quels sont les effets indesirables de la biotine

Is there a way to check whether biotin is the cause of our problems?

You can have a diagnostic test carried out in a laboratory. Different vitamins and/or minerals may be responsible for the poor condition of your hair and/or nails, and ruling out a single cause is of little use, hence the recommendation for a test.
On the other hand, it’s worth asking whether this expense is necessary.
If we opt for a preparation with biotin, a container usually contains around 45 tablets.
This is a sufficient quantity to see the first effects.

It’s worth remembering, however, that anemia is most often caused by iron deficiency, another typical problem for women, especially those who are losing weight or menstruating heavily.

The causes of hair and nail problems are frequently linked and intertwined, so it’s worth consulting a doctor, especially if the condition persists for several weeks, or if other worrying signals appear, such as excessive fatigue and headaches.

Est ce que la biotine fait pousser les

Biotin properties

In food and in our tissues, biotin is found in two chemical forms: free and protein-bound.
Biotin in its free form is almost completely absorbed, while there is insufficient data to determine the level of absorption of its protein-bound form from the diet.

Vitamin B7 is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, notably metabolizing leucine, synthesizing fatty acids and participating in the process of gluconeogenesis.
Vitamin B7 is essential for normal growth and development.
It also contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system, bone marrow and skin.

Ou trouver la biotine dans les aliments

Where can I find biotin in food?

Since our intestinal bacteria are only capable of synthesizing a small amount of biotin, we need to turn to products rich in vitamin B7 to maintain its proper level.
Large quantities are found in plant and animal products.

Free biotin is found in milk and vegetables, particularly cauliflower.
Meat, liver, yeast extracts, cereals and eggs, on the other hand, are rich in bound biotin.
Mushrooms, fish, nuts, cheese and fruit are also good sources of biotin.

In addition, raw eggs contain a protein called avidin. protein called avidinwhich forms a complex with biotin and prevents its absorption.
Fortunately, cooking eggs denatures the protein and prevents it from binding to biotin, thus increasing its absorption.

The main sources of biotin in the diet are as follows:

  • Beef and pork liver about 100 µg/100 g
  • Brewer’s yeast approx. 80 µg/100 g
  • Pulses approx. 60 µg/100 g
  • Walnuts approx. 37 µg/100 g
  • Sardines approx. 21 µg/100 g
  • Almonds approx. 17 µg/100 g

What are the side effects of biotin?

Overdosing on biotin is very difficult, as the vitamin is water-soluble, so excess is easily eliminated from the body.
It is mainly excreted in the urine. This does not mean that an overdose is impossible.
If an overdose occurs, it may lead to increased gastric discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or mood swings.

Read also: Why does hair need protein?

biotine danger sante b7 h

In which people is the risk of vitamin H deficiency increased?

If you eat a healthy diet rich in a variety of foods, it’s very difficult to develop a biotin deficiency in your body.
However, there are situations where the risk increases.

This usually occurs in people who:

  • Suffers from anemia or bulimia
  • suffers from exfoliative dermatitis
  • Suffers from alcoholism, which reduces vitamin absorption
  • Are on enteral nutrition
  • After antibiotic therapy
  • Are obliged to take anticonvulsant medication
  • Insulin-resistant
  • Uses steroid hormones

Pregnant or breast-feeding women considering taking biotin supplements should consult a physician about the appropriate dose for their situation.
If a person has recently suffered from any of the above-mentioned illnesses, or taken any of the above-mentioned medications, and is noticing worrying symptoms, it’s also worth consulting a specialist.

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