How can I make my hair grow faster?

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How can I make my hair grow faster?
Stop losing your hair!
Stop losing your hair!

How can I make my hair longer?
Unfortunately for all of us, there’s no such thing as a magic formula that turns us into princesses overnight.
However, scalp care maximizes your hair’s ability to grow longer and more easily, giving you the results you want.

To start with, we need to repeat the basics, even if you’ve heard them many times and now find them boring.
If your goal is to have healthy, strong, shiny hair, you need to follow a balanced diet combined with complete head care and take, if necessary, vitamin supplements, which are essential to the body’s important processes. In the meantime, Myla Bella has put together 5 tips that will help you quickly achieve a lush, enviable coma.

Eat protein

These words have reached your ears many times, albeit from the mouth of a dietician or trainer.
Right now.
And why is that?
Because proteins strengthen hair, making it more resistant and stronger against breakage.
So add egg whites and yoghurt to your breakfast to replenish your reserves throughout the day.

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Wash your hair day after day

The myth that the liquid hair secretes on the second day after shampooing helps and nourishes it is far from true.
However, there’s no need to exaggerate.
Avoid daily shampoos and opt for a wash every other day, ensuring that your head is always free of city pollutants and styling product residues.

Massage your head

Stimulation promotes blood circulation, strengthening scalp and hair.
Massage your head while shampooing, using gentle circular movements.
Alternatively, when you can afford it, visit a specialist who will show you a few professional movements, which you can then teach your partner to do every night before bed.
Don’t forget that a head massage will not only help your hair, it will also relieve you.

Take it easy!

We’ve talked and discussed everything to do with scalp care, from the inside out to the roots.
But, among other things, a key role is played by damaged ends, which endure all the hardships of daily life.
Make sure you visit your hairdresser every 2 or 3 months to remove broken ends and renew your haircut.
At the same time, be sure to moisturize your hair often with conditioning masks and serums, and try to avoid the high heat of a hairdryer, which weakens hair and dehydrates it deeply.


Use vegetable oil-based masks

Coconut oil and castor oil are oils you can use on your hair for quick results.
Apply them to your hair and massage in lightly, wrap with a towel and leave for at least half an hour.
Wash your hair thoroughly and repeat the process every week.
You’ll see immediate results in the shine of your hair.

There are many reasons why your hair doesn’t grow.
Most of them have to do with your diet and quality of sleep.
Here are a few tips to help.
I wonder if there’s a way to make hair grow faster?
Of course there is!
The health of your hair depends directly on what you eat, what you drink and how much sleep you get.
However, there are a few changes you can make to your daily routine to see your hair grow long by next summer.

If you’re iron deficient, you need to make sure you’re getting enough iron.
The best sources are in your diet.
Include chicken, turkey, beef, nuts, lentils, green vegetables and spirulina in your daily routine.
Get a blood test to see if you are indeed iron deficient, and if so, start making the changes we’ve talked about.

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Best foods for growing hair

Don’t overdo it with the scissors-your hair may need a touch-up every 3 or 4 months, but don’t do it more often.
Find a hairdresser you trust and ask him or her to tell you every time you need to cut your hair to refresh it.
Stress affects your whole body, including your hair.
When you’re stressed, you won’t notice your hair growing longer.
On the contrary, you may find that you also experience hair loss.
Try meditating for 20 minutes every morning as soon as you get up.
Meditation will calm your mind even before you start your day.

You’re using the wrong products The straighteners, hair dryers and styling products you use destroy your hair over time.
Replace your wire brush, if you have one, with one made of natural bristles.
Invest in quality shampoos and conditioners that rebuild and revitalize your hair with every wash.

Apart from all the above, to see your long hair grow quickly, you can do the following:

Frequent washing without shampoo will help your hair grow longer and faster.
Wash it daily without shampoo This may sound strange, but it works.
Get into the habit of washing your hair every day without using shampoo.
Simply apply conditioner and rinse.
Massaging the scalp Massage increases blood circulation and helps hair to grow faster.

Tips to save your hair from scissors!

Brush your hair for a few minutes every day Frequent brushing is the easiest and safest way to keep your hair healthy and lengthen it faster.
Start brushing for a few minutes every day.
Braids and ponytails may be the easy way out, but these styles are destructive to your hair.
Leave them down as long as you can.
That way, they’ll grow longer and faster.