Moringa oil hair benefits

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Moringa oil hair benefits
Stop losing your hair!
Stop losing your hair!

Moringa is an oleaginous plant that is attracting increasing attention, not only in the world of cosmetics, but also in the food industry. It is sometimes called the tree of life or the tree of longevity. What’s so amazing about this plant, and why is it valued in cosmetology? The first mention of the cosmetic use of Moringa seed oil dates back to 1400 B.C. This oil is effective for nourishing the skin, making it more moisturized, smoother and softer.

Moringa oil is obtained by pressing the seeds of the Moringa oleifera tree.
Ideal as a hair and scalp conditioner.
It prevents hair loss, strengthens hair roots and delays the aging process.
After application, hair is soft, smooth and shiny.

Ideal as a base for creating cosmetics

Thanks to its ability to absorb fragrances, it is used in the enfleurage process to extract aromas from flower petals.
It is therefore ideal as a base for creating cosmetics.
Moringa seed oil is highly stable and not susceptible to oxidation or rancidity, so it retains its extraordinary properties for a long time.

Moringa oil is natural, unrefined and cold-pressed.
It contains oleic acid with 65-85% of total acids and other unsaturated acids, omega-3, 6, 9 and vitamins E and A. Applied to the skin, it has anti-aging and deep moisturizing properties, and cleanses pores.
Normalizes sebum secretion.
Perfect for all skin types.

Although its composition is very rich, properly preserved Moringa oil stays fresh for many years!
It contains up to 1,700 antioxidants.
It’s not for nothing that the Moringa tree is called the tree of life.
In famine-stricken countries, the fruit of this plant is highly prized for its nutritional value.
It belongs to the group of superfoods, the world’s healthiest foods.

Applied to hair and scalp, it can be used before and after washing.
Before washing, as a conditioner, apply the oil to unwashed hair and make a compress with a towel. After 30 minutes, wash your hair.
After washing, use as a pre-styling serum, applying a small amount to damp hair.

For hair ends, rub a small amount into dry or damp hair ends, prevents hair from splitting, gently moisturizes and protects against harmful external factors.
With strong moisturizing and smoothing properties, they strengthen hair roots and help fight dandruff.

As a make-up remover, apply a small amount of oil to a face pad and wipe over the skin.
The toning properties, antiseptic compounds and light formula easily cleanse the skin and gently moisturize it.

As a nail conditioner, massage a few drops of oil onto your nails and cuticles.
You can also add a few drops of castor oil.

Apply a small amount directly to the skin, using your fingertips, and rub gently over the washed face until it is absorbed.
It helps cleanse the skin, normalizing sebum secretion and preventing the formation of blackheads and blemishes.
Promotes skin regeneration, prevents sagging and eliminates signs of fatigue.

Used regularly, it has an anti-wrinkle effect.
Firms and tightens skin, stimulates collagen production and cell renewal.
Recommended for problem skin, it helps seal and strengthen blood vessels.
Provides relief for irritated skin, such as hair removal, sunburn and insect bites.

huile de moringa pour

Properties of Moringa oil

  • Prevents hair loss, strengthens hair follicles
  • Stimulates hair growth and cell regeneration thanks to its cytokinin content
  • Moisturizes and has an anti-wrinkle effect
  • Fights free radicals
  • Restores collagen
  • Radiant skin
  • Delays the visible signs of aging
  • Eliminates signs of skin fatigue
  • Perfectly softens the skin, easily absorbed
  • Helps regenerate the epidermis, accelerates healing of wounds, particularly those caused by sunburn or mosquito bites.

The Moringa plant contains many valuable ingredients, such as..:

  • Antioxidants help fight free radicals
  • Protein
  • Potassium and iron
  • Omega3, omega6 and omega9 fatty acids
  • Vitamin A, which moisturizes and prevents skin flaking
  • Anti-aging vitamin B
  • Vitamin C has a lightening effect
  • Vitamin D is essential for bones and the appearance of teeth. The presence of vitamin D can only be appreciated by consuming Moringa oil.
  • Vitamin E moisturizes, regenerates and soothes irritation.
  • Manganese, chromium and boron, manganese is responsible for healthy bones and joints, chromium helps combat stress and supports metabolism, and boron for healthy brain function.

The oleic acid contained in Moringa seed oil supports transepidermal transport through the epidermis, and the presence in the unsaponifiable fractions of takoferoli, which has an antioxidant effect, and sterols B-sitosterol, stigmasterol, avenosterol, and others, which play an important role in the nutrition of muscles and mucous membranes, make this Moringa seed oil ideal for both therapeutic and recreational treatments and massages, especially when combined with essential oils, for which it is an excellent carrier.

The action of sterols has been confirmed in the application of skin conditions such as scleroderma, collagen dysfunction and the lowering of skin barrier properties.
Sterols also have the ability to reduce congestion.

graine de moringa

What is Moringa?

Moringa is a tropical tree species that originated in northern India (Himalayan foothills) and now grows throughout Asia, Africa and South America.
It grows to a height of around 5 to 10 meters, and each part (bark, roots, fruit, leaves and flowers) has its own purpose.
The leaves are the most precious, containing all the important nutrients essential to the human body.
The roots have a taste similar to horseradish root, hence the other name Moringa or horseradish tree.

They also have anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.
The same applies to leaf extract and bark.
The fruits, shoots and leaves are also used in cooking, and the seeds are used to make oil, which is used not only in the food industry.

Moringa oil was discovered in Haiti.
It comes from the tree of life, whose shoots, leaves, bark and fruit are used medicinally and cosmetically by local populations.
Its purifying effect can be demonstrated by the fact that contaminated water, when mixed with powdered Moringa leaves, becomes potable and bacteria-free.

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