Why use a microfiber hair towel?
Not everyone cares about applying microfiber towels to their hair.
Come to think of it, we’ve been using natural methods to dry our hair for a very long time.
Before the advent of hair dryers, our solution was a good old-fashioned towel and air drying.
And guess what, it was one of the best ways!
Air-drying has many benefits, helping to reduce hair problems and improve hair’s appearance.
But these days, using the right towel plays an important role.
What are the advantages of microfiber hair towels?
Towel drying is the oldest and most common technique for drying hair and removing excess water.
The material of the towel is important, as it regularly comes into contact with the hair.
The wrong type of towel not only damages the hair, but also causes breakage, which can increase split ends and hair loss. Microfiber towels are really good.
Let’s take a look at some of the benefits.
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Dries hair quickly
Did you know that using a microfiber towel can actually dry your hair twice as fast, naturally?
Pretty amazing, isn’t it?
These towels are made of fibers that make up about a fifth of human hair.
This means that the fibers are very dense, making them ideal for wiping your hair and scalp.
What’s more, the packed fibers are known to absorb water quickly and work even better than cotton.
Keeps hair healthy
Rigorous rubbing of the hair with ordinary towels can often lead to weakened scales and humidity fatigue, which can be avoided by using microfiber towels.
Ordinary towels frequently damage cuticles and awaken natural sebum secretion.
They also increase hair breakage.
On the other hand, microfiber towels are self-absorbing.
What’s more, they are soft and dry hair without tangling.
Soft texture
Using a cotton towel dehydrates the hair, causing intense damage if done regularly.
It can severely damage hair scales and roots.
It makes hair brittle.
Microfiber towels are delicate.
At the same time, they are dense.
So even if you use these towels rigorously, they won’t cause any damage.
Tame curls
Curly hair is dense by nature and tends to retain moisture.
But only the right form of hydration can help improve hair health and shine.
Water left in curly hair for too long can actually damage your hair.
While the ends may dry faster, the roots take a long time.
Water build-up can do more harm than good.
Microfiber towels tame curls by quickly absorbing all the water.
Protects your hair
An ordinary cotton towel has hoof-shaped fibers.
This pattern is particularly popular with manufacturers, as it helps create the illusion of fuller, softer towels.
In this way, the small fibers create softer, larger towels, while the reality is quite different.
On the other hand, microfiber towels don’t compromise on quality.
They have the softest fibers that help your hair.
Useful for styling
Did you know that microfiber towels can even be used to style your hair?
This can be a great addition.
If your hair isn’t dry, you can create a quick turban; microfiber towels are light enough to be used as an accessory.
They come in a variety of colors and patterns and can be wrapped long enough to absorb any unwanted moisture.
Easy to pack and wash
Microfiber towels are super-easy to wash and super-fast to dry.
What’s more, because of their size, they’re compact and simple to store, as they don’t take up much space.
Going on vacation?
Add a few and they’ll slip easily into your luggage.
Also read: How can you tell if your hair is overprotected?
Leaves no traces of lint
The most common type of lint is lint in your hair.
Sometimes these fibers are too small to notice.
This is not good for your hair.
The advantage of microfiber towels is that they don’t leave lint.
What’s the best way to clean your microfibre towels?
Microfiber towels have dense, soft fibers with very fine threads.
As a result, they’re not only the best option for drying your hair quickly, but also for keeping it healthy and clean.
Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when cleaning microfiber towels.
- Wash your microfiber towel in hot water
- Do not wash towels with other fabrics or even other towels
- Let these towels dry
- Do not use bleach or fabric softener on the towel, as they will damage it.
Microfiber towels are incredible for your hair.
But they also need to be washed with care.
The only downside is that these towels can be a bit pricey.
However, it’s a trade-off worth making when they leave your hair soft, shiny and well cared for in the long run.
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