Eyebrow microblading (safe)

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Eyebrow microblading (safe)
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Eyebrow symmetry, fullness and shape play an important role in facial aesthetics.
Eyebrows emphasize the eyes and also shape the upper part of the face.
Uneven or thin eyebrows are not something most women want.
But there are non-invasive methods to instantly improve the condition of their eyebrows.
And this treatment is known as microblading.

Eyebrow microblading, a 3D techniquetechnique, is very popular.
In the field of permanent make-up, this is a relatively new technology for creating and correcting eyebrows, which is performed not with a machine, but with a manual technique.
The special feature of this procedure is that the pigment is injected under the skin, is not washed off and remains on the face for a long time.

To create the eyebrows, the technician uses a special pen-like tool.
At the end of the tool are special brush-shaped nozzles, consisting of several 0.18-mm-thick needles.
The needles are positioned at an angle, and their thickness makes it possible to draw very fine hair lines, which are quite difficult to distinguish from natural hair.
Pigment is distributed evenly in the direction of natural eyebrow growth.

This technique is less traumatic for the skin, as there is no vibration during pigment application, as with a machine, which considerably reduces the healing period.
Permanent make-up does not penetrate as deeply into the skin as in a normal tattooing procedure, which makes eyebrows look more natural and eliminates the radical change in pigment color.

micro blading sourcil

Advantages of the technique

Despite the fact that this service appeared not so long ago, it’s already highly sought-after.
But many people have never really heard of microblading, and frequently confuse it with the permanent make-up procedure. It is indeed a tattooing techniquebecause a pigment is used, but there are a few differences between these services.

Performing the procedure. Unlike ordinary permanent make-up, microblading is performed using a manual technique, without the use of a machine.
The micro-sharpening of the tool creates each individual scratch, resulting in a clear image.
Thanks to this technique, there’s no blurring in the shadows.

Depth of permanent make-up.
With this technique, the pigment is not inserted as deeply as with an ordinary tattoo.
Skin lesions are less pronounced, and the recovery period is much faster.
Painful sensations are not very pronounced.

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Clear lines.
With this technique, the pigment is placed clearly along the drawn line, without blurring.
The clarity of each hair creates such a natural look that, even up close, it’s difficult to understand exactly where the pigment has been applied.

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Colorant color

Before the microblading treatment, the client and esthetician choose the colorant to be used, so that it is very close to the actual hair color, in order to achieve a natural effect.
Then, using a template, she draws the eyebrow contours, which can be further modified and adapted to the facial features.

Once the final shape of the eyebrows has been established, the treatment begins.
The final effect will not be visible immediately, but only after a week, when the skin has absorbed the excess dye and the new eyebrows have faded a little.
Only then can you check whether you’re satisfied with the new appearance of your eyebrows, or whether they still need a few tweaks.

Pourquoi le microblading ne tient pas

Face shape

There are a few simple rules for choosing the right shape for your face type:

  • An oval face shape is considered ideal, so it’s not difficult to find the right eyebrow shape.
    However, soft brows with rounded corners are preferable.
  • Round faces Women often try to hide excessive roundness.
    To do this, it’s best to choose a curved shape and avoid thin, overly curved lines that will only add to the roundness.
  • With a heart-shaped face, the task of the eyebrows is to balance a high forehead and a slim, pointed chin.
    Eyebrows with a low arch that floats gently above the hairline are ideal for this type of face.
  • With an elongated oval face, straighter, horizontal eyebrows are best suited to this type of face, helping to make it visually shorter and more defined.
  • Square face to soften the sharp elements, you need to choose a shape with a curve, while a more pronounced chin and sharper curvature.

Microblading rate

Capillary technique

Allows you to completely change the shape of your eyebrows.
This technique involves drawing in individual hairs.
This technique is suitable if you need to create a beautiful eyebrow shape, but in some areas the hairs won’t grow.

European method

It’s all about drawing all the hairs the same length, in the same direction.
With the right color, eyebrows look well groomed.
The main advantage of European technology is the possibility of completely modifying the shape and position of the eyebrows.
This means you can achieve thick, wide brows.
On closer inspection, however, the result is artificial and unnatural.
As a result, the European method is more suitable for adjusting the color of thick eyebrows.

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Oriental or Japanese method

The technician creates strokes of different lengths and can draw the eyebrows in different directions.
The particular complexity of this technique lies in the use of different pigments to create a more natural image.
At the same time, eyebrows are created with a slight volume that can hardly be described as artificial.
This technique is ideal for women with fine, light-colored hair.

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The shading technique

Is a slight correction of eyebrow color.
The eyebrows are drawn indistinctly and with light shading, as if creating shadows and twilights from the growing hairs, the technician makes strokes.
This technique visually adds thickness, volume and a natural hue to the eyebrows.
The ombre technique creates a natural look for women with fair hair.

Quelle est la difference entre microblading et Microshading

Microblading procedure

Eyebrow microblading is quite a complicated procedure.
Given the many positive and negative reviews on the web, it’s fair to say that a lot depends on the esthetician, her experience and knowledge.
The most important thing, therefore, is to find a good beautician. The easiest way to choose an esthetician in Quebec is to ask your friends who have had the treatment.
And understand that the cost of services depends on the level of the technician.

Quels sont les risques du maquillage permanent

How do I prepare?

It is possible to shorten the recovery period after the procedure, but this requires preparation time prior to microblading.
As it’s important to understand, although microblading is not a treatment in its own right, the procedure still involves disruption of the skin.

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The preparation will help tissues to heal quickly and blood vessels to strengthen, ensuring an ideal result.

To do this, you’ll need at least 7 days, which means you’ll have to limit yourself to certain pleasures:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Coffee and strong tea
  • Tobacco
  • Fatty foods
  • Sugars, including fruit juices and soft drinks
  • Pickled foods
  • Drugs that help thin the blood and induce vasoconstriction

During this period, eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.
Some foods and beverages are rejected because they contain substances that help thin the blood.
So, after your microblading, the recovery period may be delayed due to slower healing.
The same applies to antibiotics and hormonal medications.
In addition, ultraviolet rays can roughen the skin, further complicating pigment permeability.

Quelle est la duree dun microblading

Healing period

As the skin continues to undergo slight trauma during microblading, regular care of the damaged area during the recovery period will be necessary.
After the procedure, swelling and redness will be observed in the eyebrow area, and a cold, dry compress or regenerating ointment can be used to eliminate them.

Frequent touching of the affected area, especially with unwashed hands, is not recommended.
Wetting the eyebrows is also not recommended, and cosmetics cannot be used for complete healing.
In addition, visits to saunas, solariums and gyms should be limited during the recovery period.
Alcohol consumption is not recommended.

A crust forms on the eyebrows, which act as a barrier for damaged skin against the outside environment.
There may be itching or a feeling of pressure on the skin. Do not rub or peel the scab.
You risk not only damaging the quality of the permanent make-up, but also leaving a scar.
To eliminate the discomfort, it’s best to use a healing cream, applying a thin layer to the damaged area.

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During the healing process, the pigment’s hue may change. This is a normal phenomenon, and there’s no need to panic.
Once completely healed, the color will normalize.
The time it takes for the skin to heal is individual for each person, and depends not only on the care taken, but also on the characteristics of the body itself.

The healing period usually lasts a month.
Once the skin has finally healed, you need to visit your aesthetician.
The technician evaluates the result and, if necessary, suggests a correction.
Eyebrow correction should not be refused, as this service corrects small nuances that also affect quality.

Comment vieillit un microblading

Contraindications of microblading

The microblading procedure is not suitable for all women, as it has certain limitations and contraindications.

These include

  • Poor general health, fever or cold
  • Oily, porous skin
  • Presence of moles on eyebrows
  • Diabetes mellitus DS, Epilepsy
  • Hypertension
  • Poor blood coagulation
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding periods
  • Individual intolerance and allergy to the color pigment
  • Oncology, and the recovery period after chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • Dermatitis, herpes, eczema, other acute facial skin diseases, as well as particular skin sensitivity

Microblading sourcils

How long does it last?

As a general rule, a procedure takes 6 to 18 months.
The result depends on the density of the natural eyebrows, and the quality and depth of the cut.
Aestheticians recommend this correction once a year.
This will enable you to maintain color saturation and shape.

To prolong the lasting effect of eyebrows, you need to take good care of your skin.
The most important rule is to use a UV protection cream before going out in sunny weather.
The pigment will then last relatively long.

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