How to use vitamin E for your hair?

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How to use vitamin E for your hair?
Stop losing your hair!
Stop losing your hair!

Healthy, shiny, thick hair is a dream not only for women, but also for men.
In the past, it was an important indicator of status and wealth.
Today, it’s not as important, but its appearance still conveys an important social message.
Hair can complement or negate an attractive appearance, but it can also say more about us than we’d like.

It’s known as the vitamin of youth, a killer of free radicals and an ally in the fight against skin aging.
However, its action is much broader.
Simply put, it’s a group of organic chemical compounds, of which tocopherol is the most important for us.
It belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, which means that it is not excreted in urine or sweat.
One of its most important properties is that it protects our cells against oxidants, i.e. free radicals, among other things.

How does vitamin E affect your hair?

Vitamin E significantly improves the condition of skin membranes, which it moisturizes, oils, regenerates and nourishes.
This ensures the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which in turn influences the overall condition of the scalp and therefore the hair.
The antioxidant properties already mentioned protect hair against damage and the adverse influence of external factors.
As a result, hair becomes shiny, properly hydrated, smooth and simply beautiful.

Vitamin E widens blood vessels, increasing blood supply to the skin and thus oxygenating and nourishing hair follicles. It moisturizes hair and skin, regulates sebaceous glands and helps maintain the right pH level.
The antioxidants in vitamin E help neutralize free radicals (responsible for hair degradation) and regenerate damaged or neglected hair.
Thanks to vitamin E, hair regains its healthy appearance and shine.

Vitamin E and its action on hair growth

One of the most important properties of vitamin E is its ability to deliver nutrients to every cell in the body, including the scalp.
The main component of this vitamin, tocopherol, also strengthens blood vessels.
So, by improving blood supply to the scalp, it accelerates the absorption of nutrients into the hair follicles.
It also contributes to good cell oxygenation.
Together, these elements create the ideal conditions for rapid hair growth and even slow hair loss.

The best sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, particularly wheat germ, rapeseed and sunflower oils.
Oils should be cold-pressed and unrefined, as the refining process can destroy up to three-quarters of their beneficial properties.
Oils should be stored in bottles and in dark places, as tocopherols are sensitive to sunlight.

vitamine e

Properties of vitamin E

Unfortunately, its invaluable properties are not as widely known as those of other vitamins and substances acting on skin and hair.
Nevertheless, it’s worth acquiring this knowledge, not least because vitamin E is often very effective where other substances are not.

Discoloration and pigmentation spots, every exposure to the sun is a great challenge for the skin, which dries out and loses its natural firmness and elasticity.
When sunbathing, melanin is produced inside the skin, causing it to darken.
Vitamin E helps even out skin tone, eliminates brown spots and hyperpigmentation, and has a lightening effect.

Moisturize and soothe dry skin

Gray, dry skin requires special care and protection.
It’s prone to cracks and damage like no other, so it’s important to deeply moisturize it.
Vitamin E will help it regain its radiance and firmness, while its unique anti-inflammatory properties further prevent the spread and proliferation of bacteria.

Vitamin E has long been used in medicine and cosmetics.
In the latter field, it has earned the nickname “the vitamin of youth”, as it delays the skin’s aging process.
As a result, we now know with certainty that each and every one of us needs vitamin E to maintain a youthful, healthy appearance for as long as possible.

That’s why it’s so important to ensure a constant supply of this supplement to the body. Vitamin E promotes the production of collagen and elastin, among other basic elements for a youthful, radiant complexion.
To better understand the extreme importance of these elements for our health and beauty, it’s important to remember that it’s thanks to them that our bones, nails, hair and skin are supple, healthy and strong.
Be careful with proportions, however, because if you add too much vitamin E to a mask, your hair can become heavy and greasy.
And if you use vitamin E on your face too often, it can clog your pores.

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