Quickly heal sunburned skin!

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Quickly heal sunburned skin!
Stop losing your hair!
Stop losing your hair!

High temperatures and unbearable heat are back in force after a short break! The weather invites you to the beach and the water to cool off your hot bodies However, sunbathing and lounging in the sun must be treated with discretion, especially if the mercury on the thermometer exceeds 35°C. It’s easy to fall asleep in the sun and wake up with a red, sore back. The color of our skin looks more like a ripe tomato than milk chocolate! But if it’s too late and you don’t see yourself in the reflection of the mirror, but a red crab, bride’s head, I’ve got a few lifesaving tips that will have you and your skin feeling better in no time!

Red, hot, burning, itchy skin. You can’t touch your body without screaming in pain and cursing your carelessness and the fact that you’ve underestimated the sun again. Burnt skin is definitely an unpleasant thing that turns our normal life into a “hot hell” for a few days. We need to create a crisis plan to get rid of all the symptoms mentioned above, and fast.

A warm bath

Help for sunburn is a special bath that you prepare yourself at home. Fortunately, I’ve only managed to get sunburned three times in my life! For my part, I can recommend baking soda, which has magical effects not only on the digestive system, but also to soothe sore and burnt skin. If you notice the symptoms of burnt and reddened skin, run a bath of lukewarm water, add a few teaspoons of baking soda, take off your bathing suit and get in the tub.

For the product to work properly, don’t wipe yourself with a towel as you’re used to doing, but let the solution penetrate your skin. Tip: pay attention to the water temperature, which should be neither too cold nor too hot. Using ice cubes to cool the skin would have the opposite effect, making it hotter.

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Healing compresses

We’re all very familiar with the burning sensation all over our bodies. It’s one of the typical and least pleasant symptoms of sunburn. For longer-lasting, more effective cooling of the skin, healing compresses are suitable, applied several times a day for 15 minutes each time. They remove heat from the body and relieve pain. In this case, choose a good quality green tea from which you make a strong extract, let it cool and apply it to the burnt areas using a clean washcloth or gauze. Vinegar has a similar effect and can help when the heat is reduced, as when you have the flu.

Cottage yoghurt or fromage blanc, applied more often to the face than the body, also has beneficial effects. The frequent application of compresses can dry out the skin. Add a few drops of lavender oil to cooled yoghurt or fromage blanc to soften and moisturize the skin. I recommend you try this option, especially before going to bed, as it will make you feel better and, hopefully, help you fall asleep, which is almost impossible with such a sore body!

Aloe vera

The Egyptians already knew about the effects of aloe vera! Today, it is used in many fields and is a popular adjunct to natural medicine. The plant of immortality is used for the healing gel extracted from its leaves, which, among other things, helps heal sunburns. The fact that it also contains vitamins C, E and the rarely found vitamin B12 makes it an ideal aid in the fight against sunburn and skin inflammation. It’s best to buy the plant to take home, break off the leaf and rub the liquid directly onto the affected areas. This way, you’re sure to use a 100% extract. The other option is to buy aloe vera at a chemist’s or health food store, where you can get it in lotion or body spray form, for example. I prefer a spray that I spray on my body and let it absorb. This way, I avoid spreading the cream on sensitive skin.



If you’re on vacation abroad, it’s understandable that you prefer “ready-made” medicines to those you prepare at home. I recommend you rely on a tried-and-tested classic: panthenol. I prefer foam to lotion, because it’s easily absorbed and perfect for application to sensitive areas where rubbing is painful. Literally a lifeline, D-panthenol accelerates sunburn healing and repairs skin lesions.

After-sun creams

It’s often enough to apply an after-sun cream several times a day to lightly sunburned skin. However, there is a plethora of these products in the stores, and it’s not easy to choose the best quality one at a reasonable price. So, what should I look for? A good-quality product should contain panthenol first, followed by vitamin E. It shouldn’t be drying, but moisturizing. No preservatives, of course. I’ve selected a few products for which I’d give my hand.

Sunburn is generally caused by prolonged exposure to the sun at temperatures above 35°C and insufficient fluid intake. So take care of yourself, eat plenty of fruit containing water and drink caffeine- and alcohol-free beverages. The body will take care of itself..,

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