Frequently asked questions


Is Myla Bella an online store?

Yes, Myla Bella is an online boutique.

Does Myla Bella have her own store?

No, Myla Bella doesn’t have a fixed store.

How do I find a retailer?

Use the following page to find all retailers in Quebec.

How can I use the promo code I got from a retailer?

The coupon code is calculated at checkout in your shopping cart.
What if my code or discount doesn’t work?
Myla Bella codes and discounts are updated regularly.
However, if you encounter a problem with the operation of a code, please contact our customer service department via our contact page.

Can I create an account on Myla Bella?
What’s in it for me?

Yes, you can create an account for free, after which you’ll be kept informed of monthly promotions.
All you have to do is select the MY ACCOUNT icon in the top right-hand corner of the home page, then you’ll go through a quick registration process that will ask you to enter your e-mail address and password.
Refer to the privacy page for the law of direct mail.

How can I pay for my order?

We offer several payment methods: debit, Interac, credit card, Stripe.

When will I know that my purchases have been ordered?

Confirmation of the purchase process will be sent to you by e-mail from our store.
If not, please check your spam and make sure you have provided a valid email address.
If you still haven’t received our e-mail, please contact us via our contact page.

Who is your carrier?

We use the services of UPS and Canada Post.
You will receive all shipping information by e-mail.

  • UPS:
  • Canada Post:

How can I return purchased goods?

Visit our refund policy page

Does Myla Bella have a newsletter?

Yes, Myla Bella regularly sends newsletters to its users.
You’ll find information on trends, our guides, sales and discounts.
Please refer to the privacy page for the mailing law.

Subscribing to our newsletter offers you a number of advantages, including

  • You’ll be the first to know about sales, flash sales, seasonal sales, etc.
  • Access to seasonal discounts and promotional codes
  • You will receive information about our contests and giveaways.

To subscribe to the newsletter, simply go to the bottom of the home page and enter your e-mail address.
After confirming your address by e-mail, it will be added to the mailing database on the same day.
Each time you receive a mailing, you’ll be able to unsubscribe immediately, as indicated at the bottom of the message.

How do I delete my Myla Bella account?

To delete your account, simply re-enter the MY ACCOUNT section and select the “Delete account” option from the list on the left.
After confirmation of compliance, the account will be automatically deactivated.